Project Overview
The University of Colorado Denver (CU-Denver) is working with ECE programs at the following four community colleges to better prepare preservice early childhood educators to meet the diverse needs of children in their community: Community College of Aurora, Red Rocks Community College, Arapahoe Community College, and Pikes Peak Community College.
The project refines and expands the work accomplished under two previous OSEP funded projects that focused on standards-based enhancements of the preparation programs for paraprofessionals and other entry level ECE workforce in early intervention (0-3 years) and preschool settings (3-5 years). Additionally, EPIC will join forces with other state level initiatives (Early Childhood 2020 Workforce Plan, Early Childhood Professional Development Advisory Group and the Early Childhood Higher Education Partnership) to promote the shared goal of improving the effectiveness of the workforce to equitably support all young children and their families in early childhood settings. Collaborating with these statewide efforts will result in a broader impact and sustainability of the project activities beyond the duration of the grant. The objectives that accomplish the overall project goal are:
- To review, update and verify existing courses and create new courses leading to Associate Degrees in ECE and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) ensuring that the course competencies reflect EBPs for inclusive education for young children (0-8 years) with disabilities and their families.
- To review and update the existing Banks of Resources (BoRs) and create additional BoRs for the new ECE courses that reflect EBPs for inclusive education for young children (0-8 years) with disabilities and their families.
- To enhance the capacity of ECE faculty at community colleges to deliver inclusive education content through ongoing coaching and an annual professional development summer Institute.
- To develop high quality field experiences supported by trained faculty and coaches who enhance the capacity of the mentor teachers at practicum sites.
- To align project activities with those of the other state level ECE initiatives to improve recruitment, preparation and retention of ECE personnel as well as facilitate articulation of enhanced Associate Degrees with the existing ECE and ECSE at four-year colleges and universities.
Based on the performance measures identified under each objective, the project evaluation plan is designed to provide continuous feedback to enhance project management as well as measure short and long-term impact. The evaluation activities, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, are embedded in each project year. For products and resources created by the project, please return to home page.